About the Artist.

Peter was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1946. After Matriculating in 1965 (including Art), his career for the next 43 years was in Accounting and Marketing. In 2004 he joined Tarrawarra Museum of Art as a Volunteer, first in a front of house role and today he maintains the extensive TWMA Library, guides Gallery Exhibition tours and assists in exhibition invigilation.

2019 Graduated Degree in Fine Arts and Visual Culture Curtin University
Peter belongs to Studio 4 Artists and to Yarra Valley Arts. Peter has continued his love of Fine Arts from his High School Days with continuing visits to Galleries around Australia and the world. Being exposed to computers and IT from his first Accounting roles in 1966, it was natural for Peter to explore the genre of Digital Arts. He uses his digital devices to create multimedia paintings, collages and montages from the political to portraiture to contemporary landscape. He’s been an enthusiastic photographer from childhood and today uses the digital camera as the base for many of his works. He states “though camera has been a tool for artists for hundreds of years, it is my research, imagination, creative skills and digital tools, across apps and platforms which drives my Art works from conception to completion.

He has exhibited his life drawings and paintings with Studio 4 Artist Group shows and has shown portraits in a Yarra Valley Arts. Group exhibition.