• 40x60cm 2020

    The two works were painted in different colourways. The first on a cheery, sunny early spring morning. The second on clear, but cold Spring morning.

  • 40x60cm 2020

    The two works were painted in different colourways. The first on a cheery, sunny early spring morning. The second on clear, but cold Spring morning.

  • 40x60cm 2020

    The early Spring sun was glowing into the east facing garden. Its amazing when you are watching nature, she can show here glowing beauty, just to remind us of the possibilities if we look after the land. The ferns in the front yard are all self-sown and are now 30+years old. There is nothing average about the weather and our gardens have managed through drought, rain, storms, bushfire smoke and ash, high winds, the occasional freezing morning and the even less frequent drop of snow. We do maintain them, feed and when necessary water them. And we are rewarded.

  • 60x40cm 2020

    The blooming of our wild sparaxis is one of our strongest signifiers of a change in our climate. We have been in the same home for around 50 years. We see the wild sparaxis growing sparsely. Mostly they have been very ordinary in colour but this year we’ve had number of the brighter harlequin colours.

    Full description below.
  • 60x60cm 2020

    This image is taken from a local region of natural bush that was totally destroyed by bushfire. Subsequently planted with inappropriate species it was destroyed again. Over the past 60 years it has been transformed into an arboretum. Nature’s powers of renewal with human assistance have created a space of both natural beauty and pleasure. Nature continues to reflect on history, but will history be remembered by humanities future decision makers.

  • 60x60cm 2020

    I created this painting to represent the smoke haze from bushfire. Living in the Dandenong Ranges I have seen and experienced fire, bushfire and its aftermath. You just can’t see through thick smoke. In this painting I have alluded to something else within the haze.

  • 40x80cm 2020

    This work recognises the workings of entropy of nature. It is a nod to the artist Tim Silver. Many of his sculptural works is related to the concept of entropy. That is all in nature is in a perpetual state of entropy: the theory that all forms and systems are in a constant state of decay or change. This idea permeates both his objects and installations, themselves captured in this process of decomposition through free falling photo-narratives.

  • 50x100cm 2020

    If both parties to a dispute bring an olive branch, are willing to hear each other’s point of view, are capable of reaching a consensus, have the power and authority (of factions within their jurisdiction) to make binding decisions, and can carry the weight of their populous they are capable of making transformational and beneficial decision for all parties. This may relate to climate change, war (military, land or trade), use of natural recourses and so on. In this painting the parties of conflict and the parties of conciliation are each bringing an olive branch to the table with the objective of reaching an mutual consensus on reducing the effects of climate change.

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