Take Care or Nature Will Take It’s Course




This painting is based on XXXXXX overlaid by a newspaper article relating to Climate change and a proposal for an Australian Integrity Commission. I wanted to use this article as it covered both the issue of climate change and the need for Australian Government stronger policy direction in climate change and the release of a policy proposal for an Australian Integrity Commission.

Full description below.


This painting is based on XXXXXX overlaid by a newspaper article relating to Climate change and a proposal for an Australian Integrity Commission. I wanted to use this article as it covered both the issue of climate change and the need for Australian Government stronger policy direction in climate change and the release of a policy proposal for an Australian Integrity Commission. The emphasis of this painting is two-fold. Firstly to the fragility of nature if not supported by a positive confirmation a strong policy direction on climate change. Secondly, the importance of a strong Australian Integrity Commission to contribute to improving “trust in Australia’s ability to deal with corruption”

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